Annie Baldwin
To Safeguard the Tribe's Sovereignty and Right of Self-Governance through Self-Regulation
The primary mission of the Lac Vieux Desert Tribal Financial Services Regulatory Authority is to license, regulate, and supervise persons, firms, business entities, and associations furnishing consumer financial services while under the tribe's jurisdiction.
To Preserve and Develop the Tribe's Role in Providing Financial Services and To Promote Sustainable and Healthy Growth of Tribal Businesses
In the case of lending institutions and consumer financial services providers, the TFSRA charge is to charter, regulate, supervise, and safeguard the interest of shareholders, members, and consumers through on-site examinations, investigations, remedial action orders and trainings. A primary activity of the TFSRA is the supervision of lending institutions to determine and ensure their compliance with all applicable consumer protection laws, regulations and policies. The TFSRA has a duty to assist in the development of the financial services industry of the tribe for the benefit of its members and the community in all ways consistent with safe and sound business practices.
To Ensure Consumer Protection and Provide a Viable Mechanism for Consumer Dispute Resolution
In the case of persons or entities that provide financial services to the public, the requirement is that these persons or entities register with the TFSRA and that the Authority ensures credit is extended to consumer in terms that are fair and in compliance with all applicable consumer protection laws, regulations and policies.
Oct-31-2024 - Oct-31-2024
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM